Promotion Video Branding videos can take you a long way As a matter of fact, by branding yourself online and you are not using video for marketing, get started right this moment. To brand a successful marketing video, you’ll want to evaluate these facts that will place you on the right course of action. Outline Your Audience […]

NETWORKING You present your elevator pitch and plan a time to address your audience. However, when you encompass someone in a social function, anything can become more complex. Helping Others: Introduction Give knowledge Give Referrals Pitch In Pay Attention Show Enthusiasm Based on your target audience, certain niches will prove to be difficult. You can […]

Ideas can seem endless once you get the urge to start writing a blog. More often than not you are writing the blog because the topic at hand is near and dear to your heart, which makes it even more challenging. Eventually, you exhaust all those ideas and get them all out on paper. The only problem […]

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A lot of marketers have all sorts of wrong ideas about social media marketing. Some think that you only need to post “viral content” to get tons of traffic overnight. They actually believe that if you are able to pump that much traffic to your target website, a large chunk of those people will buy whatever it […]