Creating a financial plan is where all of the business planning comes together. Up to this point, the target market, target customers, and pricing have all been identified. These items, along with assumptions, will help estimate the company’s sales forecast. The other side of the business will be what expenses are expected. This is important on an ongoing basis to see when the business is profitable. It is also important to know what expenses will need to be funded before customer sales, or the cash they generate, is received.
At a minimum, this section should include estimated start-up costs and projected profit and loss, along with a summary of the assumptions being made with these projections. Assumptions should include initial and ongoing sales, along with the timing of these inflows.
Projected start-up costs: The table below shows a sample of ongoing and one-time cost items that the business might need in order to open. Many businesses are paid on credit over time and do not have cash coming in immediately. It is necessary to make assumptions about how many months of recurring items, in addition to one-time expenses, to estimate when cash will begin to flow into the company. To begin with, the company will have to fund out of savings or initial investment.
Below is a link to the Financials that we will need to complete your business plan. You will need to have an excel program on your device to work with. If you do not have one you can get one at Microsoft office or Open These the only two we recommend using.
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